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Tell Congress & President Biden:
Support the Food Bill of Rights.
If the right to bear arms drives our gun policies and national security, what rights drive our food and nutrition security in America?
September 28, 2022, in Washington, D.C., marked the historic 2nd-ever White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health since the Nixon Administration. This conference ushered in a long-overdue national dialogue on the strategy to address food and nutrition security in America.
Now is a critical time to adopt a Food Bill of Rights—to ensure our food policies are aligned with our values. So join us in urging President Biden and our local communities from policymakers, faith, business, and community leaders to support a Food Bill of Rights, which declares a core set of freedoms and rights of citizens serving as a preamble to future food and nutrition policies in this country.
What do citizens have to say?
"I think having a Food Bill of Rights is essential. Nutrition impacts us on so many levels. And even if we think about the maternal health level, a lot of it's impacting not only the fetus, but if that mother is carrying a girl, and it is impacting the ovaries of that fetus. So that's three generations right there that need adequate access.” - A mom from Maryland
Sign the petition and share it with your community to get the Food Bill of Rights before the Administration. No matter who you are, your voice can make a difference!
Why should we care?
Remember hungry Americans waiting in long lines at the food banks across this country? The pandemic revealed the pervasive food and nutrition insecurity many of us grappled with. It’s up to us to shape the fragmented, unsustainable food system that we inherited.
Our children are paying the price for cavities, poor academic performance, and diabetes. A scathing TIME Magazine feature stated this generation would die before us. No child should be left hungry. No child should not know where their food comes from either. So I ask, what are our values about food?
The ground-breaking Surgeon General's report published in 1989 brought national attention to the need to integrate nutrition and health. The report called upon leadership from the local to national levels to commit to creating an environment and culture that promotes healthier food choices for all. Fast forward to now, we are in dire straits with increased food costs, hunger, and unhealthier choices.
The recent USDA Economic Report on food security revealed troubling stats:
24.3% of single-parent households headed by women experienced food insecurity.
Southern region states experienced food insecurity at a much higher rate than any other U.S. region. Nearly 11.4 percent of households experienced food insecurity in 2021.
Black (19.8%) and Latinx (16.2%) households were disproportionately impacted by food insecurity in 2021, with food insecurity rates triple and double the rate of White households (7.0%), respectively.
Now is the time to shift that power to we, the people, to proclaim the creation of a Food Bill of Rights, a set of core values that guide the policies that heal us, not kill us.
As fellow food citizens, I call upon you and our representatives to support a Food Bill of Rights to determine the future of our food, health, and culture. Together, let's amplify our voices to the White House and show solidarity. Remember, there is a seat for all of us! We need “food freedom for all.”
Will you sign the petition to let the President know too?
Want to help some more? Please complete the National Survey on the State of Food Democracy!
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White House Phone: (202) 456-1111